Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Journal #1 Chapters 1-3

Journal 1

Chapters 1-3
By: Kellen Long

            As I first started reading this novel I am immediately shown the strong personality and spoken emotions by a teenage boy that goes by the name of Holden Caulfield. Holden’s brother lives in Hollywood where he has now discovered a profession in writing. Holden attends a school in Pennsylvania that goes by the name of Pencey Prep. He is not a big fan of this school and describes it as “a school full of crooks. Quite a few guys came from these very wealthy families, but it was full of crooks anyway.” (ch.1, pg.7) Although Holden had kindled a very respectable relationship with his history teacher Mr. Spencer, who also happened to live right across from the school, right down route 204, he was flunking all his classes and was ready to get back home. Holden usually visits Mr. Spencer quite often, but at this particular visit Mr. Spencer was dealing with some sort of illness. As Mr. Spencer and Holden continued to talk Mr. Spencer brings up the issue of Holden flunking all his classes, including history. Mr. Spencer mentions, “I flunked you in history because you knew absolutely nothing. I doubt very much if you opened your textbook even once the whole term.” (ch.1, pg.9) I believe that Mr. Spencer was like a father figure towards Holden, whether he wanted to admit it or not. On Chapter two, page twenty Mr. Spencer mentions “I’d like to put some sense in that head of yours, boy. I’m trying to help you.” As Holden left the house Mr. Spencer yelled at something and he quite couldn’t figure it out, then he yelled again, good luck!

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