Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Journal #7 Chapter 11-12

Journal 7

Chapters 11-12
By: Kellen Long

            On Holden’s way out of the lobby that evening he suddenly focused his attention back on Jane Gallagher. If you don’t remember her, she was the girl that Stradlater had taken on a date when school was still in session. Holden then starts telling the story of how he met Jane and his connection with her. Her Doberman pinscher used to come relieve himself on their lawn and Holden’s mom would become very irritated about it and would call Jane’s mom and would always make a big deal about it.  A few days after the incidentolHolden H Holden sees Jane lying next to the pool at the club house, he begins a conversation with her, and this leads to their friendship. Holden described her as “a funny girl. I wouldn’t exactly describe her as strictly beautiful. She knocked me out though. She was sort of muckie-mouthed.” (Ch.11, pg.100) Holden then goes on to describe an afternoon that they had at the movies one time.  All they did was hold hands the whole entire movie, but Holden said she was the best hand holder that he had ever seen. The thought of her and Strandlater in the back of Ed Banky’s car disgusted him and he knew it could not be true.

            In chapter twelve Holden catches a cab ride downtown to another bar. On the way to the bar he asks the cab driver an interesting question. “Do you happen to know where the ducks go during the winter time?”(Ch. 12, pg.107) The cab driver was quite irritated by the question and responded “the fish don’t go no place, they say right where they are.” (Ch.12, pg.107) Then Holden said, but that’s different. Horwitz, the cab driver said “Listen, if you were a fish, Mother Nature would take care of you, wouldn’t she?” (Ch.12, pg.109) and he drove off. Holden then walked into Ernie’s, had a few scotch and sodas and then called it a night.  

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