Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Journal #5 Chapter 9

Journal 5

Chapter 9
By: Kellen Long

            In this chapter Holden had just got off at Penn Station and was thinking of one of his friends he could give a buzz. He first thought about giving Sally Hayes a call, but then he remembered that their mothers were friends and he didn’t want his folks to know he was in town yet. Holden then decides to catch a cab. He was so absent-minded that he accidentally gave the cab driver his real address instead of the hotel he was planning on staying in until it got closer to the holidays. Once they got to Ninetieth Street Holden says “I don’t want to stay at any hotels on the eastside where I might run into some acquaintances so take me to Edmont.” (Ch.9, pg.79) When Holden checks in to the Edmont they gave him a crumby room without a view. Although, on the other side, which faced another hotel there were quite a few things to look at that were probably not appropriate for his age. As Holden was lying in his room becoming increasingly bored, he thought about this girl that that a Princeton student had once told him about named Faith Cavendish. She wasn’t a tramp, but would pretty much do anything you asked. Holden was very hesitant about the whole idea, but then he gained the courage to go forth with it. When Faith answered the phone she demanded to know who was calling. Holden replied with his real name, again another absent-minded thought. She was confused and demanded to know where the call was coming from. Holden told her he had gotten the number form Eddie Birdsell of Princeton. She suddenly remembered the name and she asked what the call was for and he replied just to have a few drinks. Faith then told Holden it was too late and that he would have to try again tomorrow.     

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