Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Journal #6 Chapter 10

Journal 6

Chapter 10
By: Kellen Long

            At the beginning of chapter ten Holden begins to describe his sister, Phoebe. He mentions “she’s really smart, and as a matter of fact, she has had all A’s ever since she started school.”(Ch.10, pg. 88) He then begins to go on and say he is the dumbest out of all his family. Holden then turns the conversation back to the present day where he is now in the lobby of the hotel, when all the sudden he hears a band playing in the lavender room. He then walks to the bar standing very tall and handsome trying to look older than his actual age and orders a drink. Suddenly the bartender asks for his I.D., so instead he has a coke. He then looks over to the other side of the room and spots three ladies sitting in the corner. The blonde one, probably the dumbest one at the table gets up and dances with Holden. Holden claims she is one of the best dancers he had ever seen. After many hours of non-stop jitterbug Holden gains the courage to ask the ladies back to the room to have a drink but hey all declined. They so happened to have early morning tickets to a show at Radio City Hall.

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