Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Journal #11 Chapters 19-20

Journal 11

Chapters 19-20

By: Kellen Long

            After much thinking in Holden’s hotel room he decides to go out to the Wicker Bar to meet an old friend from Wooton for a drink or two. Holden said that the Wicker Bar “is one of those places that are supposed to be very sophisticated and all.” (Ch.19, pg.184) As Luce and Holden sat there to have a drink they got on the topic of sex, being that Luce had been around the block a time or two and Holden was still immature about the whole topic. Luce then went on to tell Holden about a new girl he was seeing from Shanghai, but he refused to go into detail. After having few drinks they both left the Wicker Bar and went their separate ways. Holden then began to walk to the park and began reminiscing about his brother Allie. He could not imagine if something happened to him how his parents would react. He then began to miss his little sister Phoebe so he decided to go pay her a visit without letting his parents know he was in town.

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