Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Journal #10 Chapters 17-18

Journal 10

Chapters 17-18

By: Kellen Long

            As Holden arrived at the Biltmore waiting for Sally’s arrival, he was admiring all the ladies waiting for their dates to show up. Some girls with their legs crossed, girls without their legs crossed, girls with terrific legs, and girls with lousy legs. Once their dates showed up Holden became even more disgusted. Holden hated the snobby, lvy league boys and thought they contributed nothing to our society. Soon after all this analyzing Sally showed up; Holden said “she looked terrific. She really did. She had on the black coat and sort of a black beret she hardly ever wore a hat, but the beret looked nice. “(Ch. 17, pg.161&162)

            After the show was over Holden said it wasn’t the worst one he has ever seen, but it was still very lousy. Sometimes I wonder about Holden’s decision making. Why would he make plans with a girl that he doesn’t like, to go to a show he hates just too waste money?

            When the show was over Sally had a grand idea to go ice skating, even though Holden was not too thrilled, he went along with it.  After a few hours of almost breaking their necks they decided to go inside and have a bite to eat.  As Holden began the conversation about hating New York, Sally did not take a liking to this and said “stop yelling at me,” (Ch.18, pg.170) even though Holden was not even yelling. I think Sally felt very threatened. I know from experience when someone bashes something near and dear to me I also come off a little harsh. After much conversing Sally ends up walking away from the so-called date and Holden heads back to the hotel.    

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