Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Journal #12 Chapters 21-22

Journal 12

Chapters 21-22

By: Kellen Long

            Once Holden got to his house he had a hard time getting around considering it was very dark and he couldn’t turn on any lights. Holden said “I had to be careful not to bump into anything and make a racket; I didn’t want to wake my folks up.” (Ch. 21, pg. 205) Once he got to Phoebe’s room, he turned on the desk lamp on but she didn’t even wake so he stood there and admired her while she slept. He then went around her room and admired her belongings. She had the jacket to this tan suit their mother bought in Canada hung up on the back of the chair. Her shoes and socks were on the floor right underneath the chair right next to each other. Then Holden sat at her desk a lit a cigarette. The smoke must have woke her up, because she was wide awake a few minutes later. She then wraps her arms around Holden and yelled “Holden.”(Ch.21, pg.209) They then start talking about school and how Holden was failing all his classes. They were talking about jobs that Holden would be interested in once he graduated school. Phoebe mentioned being a lawyer since their dad was a lawyer and all, it would only be right for Holden to follow in his footsteps. Then Holden said, do you know what I would like to be? “You know that song ‘If a body catches a body comin’ through the rye?”(Ch.22, pg.224) I would like to be the one that catches everybody if they start to go over the cliff. Holden then said I know this sounds crazy but that is the only thing I would really like to do. As Holden walks out of the room finishing his conversation with Phoebe he walks into the living room and calls up his old teacher Mr. Antolini.

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