Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Journal #3 Chapter 7

Journal 3

Chapter 7
By: Kellen Long

            In Chapter seven Holden is having a conversation with Ackley, who happens to be a sweet-mate right down the hall. Ackley questions Holden multiple times about his altercation with Stradlater. Ackley would simply reply back every time “It’s a long story, I don’t wanna bore ya, Ackley, I’m thinking of your welfare”. (Ch.7, pg. 61) Holden then begins to think about Jane and Stradlater’s date and it disgusts him. Holden mentioned “Every time I thought about it, I felt like jumping out the window”. (Ch.7, pg.63) I believe this gave us further conclusion that Holden really cared about Jane and that there was more to their relationship then what has been mentioned so far.  

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