Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Journal #8 Chapters13-14

Journal 8

Chapters 13-14
By: Kellen Long

            After leaving Ernie’s, Holden walked forty-one blocks back to the hotel. As Holden walked back into the lobby he described it smelling like fifty million dead cigars. As Holden hopped onto the elevator, the attendant turned to him and said “innarested in having a good time, fella?” (Ch.13, pg.118) Holden grew very confused and did not know exactly what he was trying to say, the attendant spoke to Holden again and said “how old are, you chief.”(Ch.13, pg.119) Holden replied back with “well I’m twenty-two.”(Ch.13, pg.119) The attendant had a prostitute that was interested for a stay. She charged five bucks a throw and fifteen bucks the whole night. Holden, being his normal nervous self, agreed to pay for a throw. As he ran up the stairs to comb his crew cut he realized what he had done and was soon to question his actions. Suddenly he heard a knock at the door and his legs started to shake. When he opened the door, the prostitute was standing there wearing a polo coat and no hat. As she came in Holden said, can we just talk instead of doing anything, I will pay you. She couldn’t quite comprehend that concept, I am sure she wasn’t used to the idea. I was proud of Holden I thought it really took a lot of courage for a teenage boy not to take advantage of a prostitute standing right in front of him. As the prostitute was about to leave, Holden handed her five dollars. She looked up at him in disbelief saying “this is a five. It costs ten.” (Ch.13, pg.127) Holden said I’m sorry, but the attendant said five. She walked out the door and returned back in a few minutes with the attendant in tow. He demanded the extra five, and even went as far as slapping Holden. Finally Holden gave in and gave him the extra money and told him to get lost.    

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