Thursday, January 3, 2013

Journal #14 Chapter 25

Journal 14

Chapter 25

By: Kellen Long

            After Holden left the Antolini’s he walked over to Lexington and took the subway down to Grand Central and slept for the night in the waiting room where all the benches were. As he lay on the bench he wondered what Mr. Antolini would say to Mrs. Antolini when she woke up and realized he did not spend the night. He also wondered if he was overreacting or was Mr. Antolini a creep this whole time and he was just too blind to see it.

            After much thought of the evening’s events Holden decided that he wanted to move out west and live in a cabin. As he was thinking this through Holden mentioned “Phoebe can come and visit me during the summer, Christmas, or even during Easter break and D.B. can come up whenever he needs inspiration to write.” (Ch.25, pg. 258) Holden thought it was fitting to first write a letter to Phoebe explaining to her his decision and for her to meet him after twelve at the museum to get her Christmas money back. Once Phoebe received the letter, she arrived at the museum and came up the stairs dragging a suitcase full of her belongings. Holden told her that she could not come with him because their mom needed her and she has to stay in school. Phoebe was not pleased with his decision and became a total sore toward Holden. Holden then asked her if she wanted to go ride on the carrousel because that was her favorite thing. As Phoebe got on the carrousel it started to play “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes” and go round and round. Holden felt so happy and content standing there watching her that he promised he wouldn’t move and that he was coming home for Christmas.

            I felt this was one of the very first moments in the novel that Holden actually showed some sort of emotion. It really showed he cared for his family despite all the rude comments he said previously. I am also glad that he chose to stay home for Christmas. I could not imagine how his mother would feel to lose another child.

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